Library Policies
It is the policy of the Board of Trustees of the Maplewood Public Library to provide the fullest possible access to library resources for all visitors to the Library. The rules listed below attempt to ensure a reasonably safe and pleasant environment for staff and patrons, to protect the right of the public to use library services and materials, and to protect library resources and facilities.
These rules are intended to guide patrons and staff so that they may conduct themselves in a manner consistent with the purposes and functions of the Library and avoid affecting the appropriate use of the Library by fellow patrons. These rules are intended to be illustrative rather than all-inclusive.
The Board reserves the right to impose appropriate penalties for violation of the rules of proper use of the Library:
- Persons will be asked once to comply with the rules; they will be asked to leave for the day if the improper use continues.
- Persons may be barred from the Library permanently or for a set period of time for repeated violations of the proper use of the Library.
- Persons in apparent violation of Federal, State or local law will be reported to the police by Library staff. Legal action may be taken by the Library through the filing of a complaint.
Statutory Provisions:
Federal, State and local laws and ordinances provide the statutory basis of the following rules.
On Library premises, including the Library grounds, no person shall:
- commit an assault or battery upon any person or engage in a fight;
- steal or take property not their own;
- knowingly deface, destroy or damage any property not their own;
- engage in any indecent or obscene conduct or make any indecent exposure of their body;
- use, give away or sell any controlled substance;
- possess an unauthorized weapon;
- carry a firearm unlawfully;
- smoke, vape, or carry an ignited material;
- be intoxicated or consume intoxicating beverages;
- disturb the public peace by loud or aggressive conduct;
- knowingly harass any other person or unreasonably and purposely cause alarm to another person or persons on the premises;
- summon without good reason the police, fire department or ambulance by telephone or otherwise;
- arrange for the delivery to the Library of items for their own use;
- promote or conduct gambling activity;
- re-arrange or abuse Library furniture;
- loiter;
- litter on library property;
- remain in the building after closing hours, except by the invitation of a Library staff member authorized to issue such an invitation; and
- enter a non-public area of the library except at the invitation of a staff member authorized to issue such an invitation.
It is the policy of the Maplewood Public Library:
- to require that patrons wear shirts and shoes at all times in the Library, and to prohibit skates, cleated shoes and similar non-standard footgear. The use of wheeled transportation of any kind in the Library is prohibited, except for that used by the physically impaired;
- to ban animals from the Library except for guide animals for the visually, hearing or physically impaired;
- to prohibit all campaigning, petitioning, interviewing, survey-taking, soliciting, selling or begging from one patron to another patron or patrons on Library premises;
- to ban conversation and other sounds in louder volume than the general noise level of the building at that time, except those required to carry on library business. Loud or boisterous behavior, running or using foul or abusive language will not be tolerated. Cellphone use must conform to this policy and must not disturb other patrons;
- to require that sound equipment, including Library computers, be operated at a volume which does not disturb other library users. Patrons are free to use their own earphones on the Library computers; and
- to require patrons to obey all directives of the staff required to conduct legitimate library business.
Other Provisions:
- The Library requires patrons to avoid strong odors on their persons or belongings. This refers to an odor strong enough to cause allergic reactions, headache or nausea in other persons within a six-foot radius of their location. This applies to all odors regardless of cause, whether it be personal hygiene, perfumes or colognes, animal residues, etc.
- The Library reserves the right to limit the amount of time any patron may use a computer terminal or copying machine if others are waiting.
- Patrons are prohibited from using the Library telephone without prior permission from a staff member.
- Patrons must allow staff to inspect their belongings and the contents of purses, bags, etc., when requested, in order to protect library materials from theft or damage.
- The Library reserves the right to restrict food and drink to specific areas of the Library.
- The Library grounds, including front sidewalk, plaza and east and west staircases, for the purposes of these rules, are considered Library premises, and all the rules enumerated above apply to these areas, except for the prohibition on smoking and vaping. Smoking and vaping will be governed by local ordinance concerning smoking in public spaces.
Provisions governing the barring of patrons from the Library and Library grounds:
- Removal or Ban from the Library
- A patron who violates one or more of the rules noted above may be removed from the library by any authorized library employee;
- A patron who violates one or more of the rules noted above may be barred from the library for up to 6 months upon the authority of the Library Director;
- A patron who violates one or more of the rules noted above may be barred from the library for up to one year upon the authority of the Library Director and the President of the Library Board of Trustees; and
- A patron who violates one or more of the rules noted above may be barred from the library for 5 years upon the authority of a majority vote of the Board of Trustees. Upon the expiration of the 5 year ban, the library patron who is banned from the library premises may request a reinstatement of in person library privileges at a regularly held Library Board of Trustees meeting. The patron must request such an appeal in writing via email or letter to the Library Director, citing such reasons for the potential reinstatement a month or more in advance of the meeting at which they wish to voice their appeal.
Revised 5/17/2023
The Library will protect as far as possible the privacy of any patron who uses the Library. The Library will not inquire into the purposes for which a patron requests information or materials. Records which may be required in loaning library materials or providing access to Library computers are for the sole purpose of protecting public property.
The Library maintains a minimum of records, including
- Names, addresses and other contact information on patrons;
- Computer sign-up sheets for the current day;
- Materials currently checked out to a patron;
- History of unpaid fines.
These records are kept confidential. Staff members can access these records only to conduct library business.
The Library does not maintain an on-going list of materials previously checked out by a patron or of computer usage by patrons.
Records shall be made available only to the appropriate officials acting in compliance with applicable federal, state or local laws. In these situations, the staff will carefully follow the current law.
The Director is responsible for making sure that records are kept confidential and that staff are properly trained on privacy issues. American Library Association guidelines will be used in developing staff procedures.
The Board of the Maplewood Public Library hereby authorizes filming and photography
in the Library facilities as follows:
- Classes or events sponsored by the Maplewood Public Library may be photographed or video-recorded by the Library’s staff or its representatives. Attendance at a Library sponsored class or event constitutes the consent of all attendees and the consent of the parents or legal guardians of any minor children in attendance, to the future broadcast, publication, or other use of photographs or videos at the sole discretion of the Maplewood Public Library. The Library may utilize photos and videos from public programs and events at Library facilities and Library spaces on its website and in Library publications. Photos, images, and videos submitted to the Library by users for online galleries or contests may also be used by the Library for promotional purposes. To ensure the privacy of all individuals, including children, images will not be identified using full names or personal identifying information without written approval from the photographed subject, parent or legal guardian.
- Casual amateur photography, filming, and videotaping is permitted in the lobby, study and program areas of Library facilities for patrons and visitors wanting a remembrance of their visit, provided that the photography does not interfere in any way with Library operations or capture any identifiable likenesses of individuals without their permission. Any such photographers are responsible for arranging all necessary releases and permissions from persons who are filmed or
photographed. Except as otherwise permitted in paragraph 1 by the Library itself, in no circumstances may anyone take a photo or film a Library patron without the consent of the patron, or their parent/guardian, if a minor. - No commercial or media photography or filming may occur in Library facilities without the prior written permission and approval of the Director. Such approval shall contain the conditions under which the commercial/media photography or filming will take place, and address the rights to ownership of the photos/films.
- Any consent granted pursuant to this Policy to permit photography or filming may be revoked at any time upon failure to comply with terms of the Policy or other rules and regulations of the Library.
Adopted, 6/19/19
- The Maplewood Public Library by State statute has the legal authority to acquire the revenue needed to maintain the Library through appropriate property tax levies, fines, fees, grants, donations, and investments, and to spend it appropriately on quality service.
- The Library's fiscal year runs from July through June. Revenues and Expenditures are recorded on a cash basis.
- There are currently three fund categories: General, Debt Service and Construction.
- A Fund may have more than one bank account or investment instrument associated with it.
- Money may be transferred between accounts and funds at the Director's discretion, and tracked for accounting purposes.
- These policies apply mainly to the General Fund, but the other Funds fall under the same policies, when appropriate.
- A Fund may have more than one bank account or investment instrument associated with it.
- No bank account can be opened, closed or transferred in the name of the Library without prior Board approval and must have all appropriate signatories.
- Signatories are : President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Director.
- The Library Trustees with input from the Director set the budget for the Library in each fund category before the start of the fiscal year.
- The Library may not run a deficit budget balance.
- The Director provides a monthly statement of revenues and expenditures to the Board.
- An outside accountant may be employed, as determined by the Board.
- An outside auditor is employed to do an annual fiscal audit.
- The audit will be completed within 7 months of the end of the fiscal year.
- This audit is distributed to the Board and to those outside entities required by law or financial obligations.
- The choice of auditor is put out for bid at least every 3 years.
- All expenditures must be assigned to a budget expense category by the Director.
- All expenditures must have an invoice or other documentation showing the recipient, purpose, date and amount of the expenditure.
- The Board Treasurer must approve all invoices and sign all checks.
- Payments made on-line require approval only.
- Two signatures are required on all checks greater than $1000 in value.
- With the Director's approval, expenditures may be made for the Library by staff or Board members and will be reimbursed upon presentation of sales slips or other evidence of the purchase.
- Purchases made by a personal credit card may be reimbursed by a check paid directly to the credit card company.
- Amounts paid to a credit card must be for purchases only, not for fees or interest (except for fees on library purchases).
- Cash receipts from fines and fees are deposited monthly.
- Receipt amounts are assigned to budget revenue categories.
- Cash is kept on hand for making change and can be used at the Director's discretion for petty cash expenditures
- Petty cash is tracked by writing a check monthly on the General Fund for the total amount of petty cash expended, with amounts charged to proper expense accounts.
- Petty cash reimbursements require a sales slip or other evidence of the expenditure.
- Revised 3/20/13
The purpose of this policy is to establish a method of reporting theft and fraud within the Maplewood Public Library (“Library”). This policy outlines the procedure for employees to report instances of theft or fraud in the workplace, and the procedure that will be followed after a report is made.
Duty to Report
Employees have an obligation to report activity that appears to be fraudulent. Examples of activities that should be reported include, but are not limited to:
- Stealing money, library materials, supplies, equipment or furnishings
- Intentionally misrepresenting amounts of money received on cash reports
- Knowingly fabricating time sheets for oneself or others
- Accessing patron records for anything other than library business
As used in this policy, the term “fraudulent activity” includes suspicious behavior or other conduct similar to the activities enumerated above. Employees knowingly failing to report suspicious activity will be subject to discipline.
Format of the report
Reports of fraudulent activity should contain the following information in order to facilitate prompt, appropriate, and efficient resolution:
- Date on which the activity occurred, if known
- A description of the activity
- The name(s) of anyone involved in the activity
Where to file the report
Reports of fraudulent activity should be filed with the library director. Reports can be presented to the library director in person or by written report, signed or anonymously. If the employee is uncomfortable reporting the activity to the director, he or she may report it to the President of the Board of Trustees.
Confidentiality of the report
All reasonable efforts will be made to protect the confidentiality of the employee(s) reporting the activity. However, in the event that the matter is handed over to law enforcement, such confidentiality will be governed by state and federal guidelines.
Consequences for employee reporting fraudulent activities
No employee shall be subject to any form of punishment on the basis of reporting a fraudulent activity that he or she reasonably believed was a violation the Library’s policies. However, an employee will be subject to disciplinary action if the Library reasonably concludes that the reported activity was knowingly fabricated, exaggerated, distorted, or minimized by the employee. An employee whose report of misconduct contains admissions of personal wrongdoing will not be guaranteed protection from disciplinary action.
Responses to Report of Suspicious Activities
All reports of fraudulent activity will be dated and initialed by the Library Director or President of the Board of Trustees upon receipt. The Library director or President of the Board of Trustees will review and investigate the report within 30 days of receipt. If additional time is needed to review and investigate the report, a note will be made of the reasons for the delay.
If a violation of the Library’s policies is detected, the Library will take steps to respond appropriately to the offense and to prevent similar offenses from occurring in the future, including any necessary modifications to policies or procedures.
Adopted 2/21/14
The library may receive tax-deductible gifts, donations, endowments, bequests, and trusts. It is the prerogative of the library to accept or reject any gift. Restricted gifts, those to which the donor has attached terms, conditions or purposes, must be spent according to the donor’s wishes. Non-restricted gifts may be spent on authorization of the Library Board of Trustees within the scope of its statutory authority. The Library will encourage that non-restricted gifts be added to the Josephine Alban Memorial Endowment Fund.
In accepting donations of any materials intended for the library’s collection, the right of final disposition of such gifts is reserved to the library. The same criteria for inclusion in the collection that are used for purchase decisions will be applied to gifts. Gifts that cannot be added to the collection will be disposed of at the discretion of the Director.
Donations of books and other materials will receive written acknowledgement upon request. The library does not appraise materials for income tax purposes.
Sectarian and other groups frequently urge the library to receive, catalog, file, and foster distribution of their publications, even though not warranted by public interest. The library will refuse such requests and accept only material that the library would normally seek to acquire upon its own initiative. The library accepts no responsibility to return unordered material received through the mail or left at the library.
The Maplewood Public Library subscribes to the principles endorsed by the Library Bill of Rights, and the Freedom to Read and Freedom to View statements. The public library provides free access for the public to all points of view. The addition of an item in the collection in no way represents an endorsement of any idea, opinion or presentation by the library. Library material will not be marked or identified to show approval or disapproval of contents. No item will be placed on closed shelves except for the express purpose of protecting it from injury or theft.
Maplewood Public Library Safe Child Policy
Adopted by the Maplewood Board of Trustees November 17, 2021.
Maplewood Public Library (MPL) welcomes children of all ages to use its facilities and services. However, MPL staff cannot be responsible for the care, safety, entertainment, or supervision of unattended children. Additionally, MPL staff are not responsible for supervising what materials children choose to read while they are at the Library, nor is it the role of the Library to determine what is appropriate reading or research material for a child. A child’s parent/guardian is responsible for their children whether or not the parent/guardian is at the Library with their child.
The following procedures will be followed for unattended children at MPL:
A child is considered unattended if they are under the age of 10 and left alone in the Library without a parent, legal guardian, or responsible caregiver for any amount of time. “Responsible caregiver” refers to any person aged 14 or older designated to attend to a child’s needs.
If a child is left unattended during regular hours, staff will attempt to locate their responsible caregiver. If a responsible caregiver is in the Library, they will be directed to supervise the child at all times. If it is determined that the child is in the Library without a responsible caregiver, a staff member will attempt to contact a parent, guardian, or responsible caregiver to retrieve the child from the Library. If attempts to reach a responsible caregiver are unsuccessful for more than 30 minutes, Maplewood Police Department or other state or social services agency will be contacted to assume responsibility for the child. If the responsible caregiver contacts the Library, staff will inform them which agency has assumed responsibility for their child.
All visitors to MPL should be prepared to leave the building at closing time. If a child is left unattended at closing time and attempts to reach a responsible caregiver are unsuccessful, two staff members will wait with the child for 15 minutes. If a responsible caregiver does not arrive for the child after 15 minutes, Maplewood Police Department or other state or social services agency will be contacted to assume responsibility for the child. If the responsible caregiver contacts the Library, staff will inform them which agency has assumed responsibility for their child. Under no circumstances will a child be allowed in a Library staff member’s vehicle.
If Library staff observe evidence of neglect or abuse, it may be reported to the Maplewood Police Department and/or Missouri Department of Family Services.
In the case of an unattended child or suspected neglect or abuse, an incident report will be completed by staff and provided to the Library Director.
Children aged 10+ may use the Library without a responsible caregiver so long as Library rules are observed.
Behavior of children visiting MPL:
Library visitors of all ages are expected to follow MPL’s Rules Concerning Proper Use. These rules can be found on the Library’s website at https://www.maplewoodpubliclibrary.org/using-the-library/library-policies/ or by requesting a copy from Library staff. Children who do not follow these rules are subject to the same consequences as other Library users, including being required to leave the Library or losing Library privileges.
Adults in the children’s area:
The children’s area of the Library is primarily reserved for children, their parents, guardians, and responsible caregivers, and adults interested in children’s literature such as teachers. Out of concern for the safety of young patrons, adults who are unaccompanied by a child in the children’s area of the Library may be questioned by staff and may be asked to move to another area of the Library. Computers in the children’s area are reserved for visitors under the age of 18 unless accompanied by a child or in the event adult computers are unavailable.
Suggestions for parents and guardians:
Parents and guardians should be advised that MPL is a public institution open to any and all members of society and teach their children the same safety precautions they would when visiting any other public space.
Acquaint your child with the areas and rules of the Library and introduce them to Library staff. Inform children that if they are frightened or lost or if someone is making them uncomfortable, they should seek out Library staff for assistance.
Familiarize yourself with the hours of the Library. Call MPL’s main line or check maplewoodpubliclibrary.org for special hours. Do not leave children at the Library before opening, after closing, or for extended periods of time.
Ensure your child can reach you at all times while they are at the Library.
Maplewood Public Library Volunteer Policy
Adopted by the Maplewood Public Library Board of Trustees April 20, 2022.
Maplewood Public Library appreciates community members who want to put their time and talents to use by volunteering with us. Volunteering can be a rewarding and edifying experience for many people.
A volunteer is anyone who chooses to perform services for the Library without wages, benefits, or compensation of any kind, or expectation thereof, and who performs volunteer services at the direction of the Library staff. A volunteer is not an employee of the Library. Volunteering for Maplewood Public Library does not guarantee future offers of employment. This policy does not constitute a contractual or personnel agreement between the volunteer and the Library.
All volunteers must complete a volunteer application prior to beginning work. Volunteers interested in certain tasks such as home delivery or working in the children’s department will be required to complete a background check.
Volunteers are selected based on their qualifications in relation to the needs of the library at any given time, and based on their ability to commit to a consistent schedule of volunteer hours. Volunteers shall be recruited without regard to any individual’s age, race, creed, color, national origin, religion, marital status, sexual orientation, gender, physical appearance, socioeconomic level, or any other legally protected characteristic.
Volunteers must be at least 12 years of age, and any volunteer under the age of 18 must have parental consent.
The Library also provides an opportunity for volunteers to meet community service work requirements set by outside agencies on a limited basis. All requests to receive credit toward a community service work requirement will be considered on a case by case basis.
Each volunteer will be assigned to an on-site supervisor and is required to follow work procedures established by the supervisor. The supervisor is responsible for training the volunteer and the day-to-day management and guidance of the volunteer. Volunteers should keep their supervisor informed of their work progress and any change to their schedule.
Volunteers are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with all established policies and procedures of the Library.
Volunteers can be released from their duties at any time at the discretion of the Library. In the event that a volunteer is unable to adequately perform the assigned duties and no other appropriate positions are available, the volunteer may be removed from service.
Internet Policies
The Internet is a global collection of computer networks that connects thousands of computers all over the world. Using the MPL internet computers allows patrons to access the vast amount of information available through these connections. All Internet sites are accessible, some of which may contain controversial, offensive or inaccurate material. The Library undertakes to provide a safe Internet viewing environment, and censors offensive images in accordance with requirements of the Children’s Internet Protection Act, but users must recognize that the Library does not censor and cannot control the content of resources available on the Internet.The Library expects patrons to comply with the terms of this Acceptable Use Policy (AUP), the policies of the Library’s Internet service provider (ISP), and all applicable federal, state and local laws, including but not limited to criminal, copyright, privacy, defamation, and obscenity laws. Inappropriate use will result in temporary or permanent cancellation of computer access. Examples of inappropriate use include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Violation of computer system integrity
- Violation of Library rules regarding use of the public computers
- Tampering with computer hardware or software
- Infringement of copyright or software licensing
- Illegal file-sharing or other violations of intellectual property rights
- Unethical or illegal acts, including but not limited to harassment of others, libel or slander.
- Accessing, loading, or printing pornography or other offensive materials.
The Library assumes the responsibility for maintaining an environment conducive to use by patrons of all ages. We ask that patrons not display offensive images on the Internet workstations at any time. Deliberate accessing of pornography or other offensive images can result in suspension of Internet privileges.Patrons are required to use their own library cards to access the public computers. . Guest passes are available for visitors or new residents. Staff cannot provide patrons their card numbers. Card numbers may not be transferred to or shared with other patrons. Patrons are required to honor the limits on daily computer use. Patrons may not have more than one library card to use on the computers or use more than one card per day. Patrons may be asked to verify their card number or identity if a violation is suspected
Patrons may not install software on Library computers that makes permanent changes to the computer system or requires Administrator privileges to activate. Patrons may not engage in behavior that causes disruption to other Library users or impedes network traffic by utilizing excessive bandwidth. Patrons may download files to their own storage devices. Patrons may also use their own storage devices with the Library's public-access word processing applications. Sounds on the computers must not be audible to other patrons; patrons must keep the speakers muted at all times or use their own headphones for listening.
Staff are available to provide limited help to get patrons onto the Library computers as time permits, but they may not be familiar with every site, and cannot provide personal training on the Internet, such as how to use a web browser or set up an email account, or in the word-processing applications.
The Library reserves the right to establish whatever procedures are necessary to assure reasonable access to the Library's computers, and to set reasonable fees for printing.
The MPL assumes no responsibility for any damages, direct or indirect, arising from use of the Internet. Users agree to Indemnify and Hold Harmless the Library, its employees and agents from any claim, demand, liability, cause of action, suit, judgment, or expense (including attorney's fees), arising out of any breach of this policy statement.
Revised, 5/16/18
Procedures for Minor Use of MPL Computers
- Patrons under 18 must have a valid library card and permission to use the MPL Internet workstations.
- A valid library card is one that is not expired, has the correct address and phone number, and has fines and fees below $50.00
- Permission must be given by the minor's parent or other legal guardian for computer access.
- Library cards from other MLC partners will be honored so long as the conditions in 1a are met.
- There is no lower age limit on Internet permission. If a child qualifies for a library card, they can get parental permission.
- Parent or other guardian must be present in the library to apply for a library card or grant permission for computer access. All the usual rules apply regarding acceptable ID, residency requirements, etc. The minor child does not have to be present.
- Minors are restricted to using the lower level computers, and are required to abide by the same rules as all other patrons (see Acceptable Use Policy).
- Minor patrons may not receive guest passes; they must use their Library card for computer access.
- The Internet filters cannot be removed for any user.
Revised, 5/17/2023
It is the policy of the Maplewood Public Library to restrict minors from gaining computer access to material that is pornographic for minors in accordance with Sections 182.825 and 182.827, RSMo.
Key terms are as defined in Section 182.825, RSMo.
Access to Inappropriate Material
All public access computers shall purchase Internet connectivity from an Internet service provider that provides filter services to limit minor's ability to gain access to material that is pornographic for minors; and
Supervision and Monitoring
It shall be the responsibility of all members of the Maplewood Public Library staff to supervise and monitor usage of the public access computers in accordance with this policy and Sections 182.825 and 182.827, RSMo.
Reviewed, 5/17/2023
All users of Maplewood Public Library's wireless Internet access must agree to the Library's ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY.
Wireless Internet access is filtered to prevent the viewing of inappropriate images by minors. Wireless access cannot be unfiltered.
The Library reserves the right to limit bandwidth, number of users and access time on a per connection basis on the wireless network to preserve network reliability and equal access for all users.
Library staff will not troubleshoot problems related to wireless devices or assist in making changes to a device's network settings or hardware configuration.
The Library does not guarantee that all devices will work with the wireless access.
The Library is not responsible for any damage to hardware, software, or data while using the wireless Internet system, or for configuration changes that may be needed to access it. Users are responsible for having up-to-date anti-virus protection on their device before accessing the network.
Revised, 5/16/18
Materials Policies
This policy will guide in the selection of books and other materials in order to fulfill the Library’s Mission Statement. Available interlibrary loan and reciprocal lending networks will be used to provide access to additional material.
Responsibility for selection of materials lies with the professional staff of the Library. Final responsibility for the selection of all materials in the library’s collection lies with the Director, who operates within the policies established by the Maplewood Public Library Board of Trustees.
The collection will represent a wide range of viewpoints, opinions, and tastes. Unpopular as well as popular positions, both sides of controversial issues, and minority views will all have a legitimate place in the library. The library will be responsive to public suggestion of items and subjects to be included in the collection. Reviews in professional journals as well as other material selection tools will be used in the selection process; however, the lack of a review or an unfavorable review will not be the sole reason for rejecting a title which is in demand. Materials will be selected based on current interest, permanent value, up-to-date information, local demand, literary merit, and historical or regional value. Materials may be excluded on the basis of cost, availability elsewhere, or lack of demand. The library will strive for a diversity of materials without exercising direct or implied censorship. The following standards for specific materials will be considered:
- Nonfiction: Accuracy of information presented, quality of writing, cost, extent to which the subject matter is already represented in the library collection, readability, social significance, and timeliness.
- Fiction: Standards are the same as for nonfiction, plus: contributing to the value of the library’s collection as a whole by representing all types and styles of writing and providing reading for recreation and the use of leisure time.
- Children’s materials: Educational and recreational materials that lead to an appreciation of literature at multiple reading levels. Children’s nonfiction meets the same criteria as adult non-fiction. The library does not provide basic texts or materials needed in quantity for schoolwork. It does provide supplementary materials of varied kinds to enrich the resources available to the individual student or teacher. Responsibility for a child’s reading must rest with the parent or guardian, not with Library staff. The Library offers general age recommendations for materials, as outline below:
- Materials with a call number prefix of “E” are generally intended for children ages birth to 7 years.
- Materials with a call number prefix of “J” are generally intended for children ages 8-13.
- Materials with a call number prefix of “YA” are generally intended for young adults ages 14-18.
- All other materials are generally intended for adults.
- There may be some age variation in the appropriateness of each collection. Decisions to place particular items in the collections are generally done using the standard of the average person who, when applying contemporary community standards nationwide, would find that the material, taken as a whole, has a tendency to appeal to ages as listed in points a-c. The publisher’s suggested age range, if available, is also taken into consideration.
- Patrons are not limited by these age recommendations. All patrons are welcome to check out any material from any of the Library’s collections. Responsibility for a minor’s checkouts must rest with their guardian, not with the Library. These recommendations do not take the place of guardian oversight.
- Periodicals: Basic, popular, and general information magazines are selected to supplement the book collection. Newspapers are selected to provide current information, both locally and nationally.
- Nonprint materials: Nonprint materials in a variety of formats will be selected subject to the same criteria as print materials, as the budget allows and demand requires.
A note on reference materials: The Library recognizes that reference materials are better suited in academic settings and will retrieve these materials through interlibrary loan and agreements with appropriate lending institutions. Maplewood Public Library cardholders are encouraged to take advantage of the INFO-PASS program through St. Louis Regional Library network to access school and university libraries in the St. Louis area. Library staff can provide visitors with information about this program.
In order to maintain the usefulness of the Library and to make room for new materials, the collection will be continually evaluated. Materials with low circulation counts, outdated or inaccurate information, or substantial damage will be removed during designated evaluation periods.
Discarded material may be offered to other libraries or non-profit organizations, sold with proceeds benefiting the library, or recycled.
The Library offers the ability to challenge materials found in any of the Library’s collections. Please see the full Library Reconsideration and Challenge policy for information and to submit a challenge.
Maplewood Public Library endorses and abides by the American Library Association's Library Bill of Rights, the most recent version of which is quoted below:
The American Library Association affirms that all libraries are forums for information and ideas, and that the following basic policies should guide their services.
- Books and other library resources should be provided for the interest, information, and enlightenment of all people of the community the library serves. Materials should not be excluded because of the origin, background, or views of those contributing to their creation.
- Libraries should provide materials and information presenting all points of view on current and historical issues. Materials should not be proscribed or removed because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval.
III. Libraries should challenge censorship in the fulfillment of their responsibility to provide information and enlightenment.
- Libraries should cooperate with all persons and groups concerned with resisting abridgment of free expression and free access to ideas.
- A person’s right to use a library should not be denied or abridged because of origin, age, background, or views.
- Libraries which make exhibit spaces and meeting rooms available to the public they serve should make such facilities available on an equitable basis, regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of individuals or groups requesting their use.
VII. All people, regardless of origin, age, background, or views, possess a right to privacy and confidentiality in their library use. Libraries should advocate for, educate about, and protect people’s privacy, safeguarding all library use data, including personally identifiable information.
Adopted June 19, 1939, by the ALA Council; amended October 14, 1944; June 18, 1948; February 2, 1961; June 27, 1967; January 23, 1980; January 29, 2019.
Inclusion of “age” reaffirmed January 23, 1996.
Adopted 4/23/03
Revised 4/20/22
Revised 6/21/23
If you would like to recommend material for Maplewood Public Library's collection, you may submit a Purchase Request here.
Individuals wishing to protest the presence of an item in the Library’s collection, a display found in the Library, an event, program, or presentation hosted by the Library, or the usage of the Library’s meeting room by a group unaffiliated with the Library may complete a Challenge Form. A separate form needs to be submitted for each item, display, or event the complainant is challenging. Forms must be filled out completely to be considered. The person making the request must be the parent or guardian of a child residing in Maplewood, or a resident of Maplewood with a current Maplewood Public Library card in good standing. The request will be considered by the Director and relevant staff using the criteria outlined in the Library’s Material Selection policy, and the complainant will receive written notification of the Director’s decision by mail or email within 30 days. If the complainant wishes to continue with the request following the Director’s decision, the request will be reviewed by the Board of Trustees, whose decision will be final. Challenges will become public record and will be shared on the Library’s website; any personal identifying information will be redacted. Material that has been challenged and reviewed in the previous three years will not be reviewed again. The Library adheres to the American Library’s Association’s Library Bill Of Rights; library materials will not be marked or identified to show approval or disapproval of the contents.
Adopted 5/28/03
Revised 4/20/22
Revised 6/21/23
Click here to submit a challenge.
It is the responsibility of the Maplewood Public Library to maintain a healthy and clean environment for all library users and to protect taxpayers' investment in library collections, equipment, and property. In order to fulfill this responsibility the library may restrict a patron's ability to borrow physical materials and/or visit library facilities when such use may jeopardize the health and safety of library facilities, collections, and patrons.
An example of a situation where borrowing of physical materials may be suspended includes, but is not limited to:
- Evidence that items on loan to a patron may have been returned with insects that are known to be damaging to library materials, or that can result in pest infestations in library facilities, e.g. roaches, silverfish, and some types of beetles.
Examples of situations where access to library facilities may be suspended include, but are not limited to:
- Patrons or patron possessions with fleas, lice, or bed bugs.
The first time evidence of an insect issue is noted:
- The Library Director or their designee will notify a patron of what was found and put a note on the patron record.
- Patrons will be shown the evidence whenever possible.
- The library materials will be discarded at the discretion of the Library Director.
- Patrons will be limited to checking out two items at a time and given a Ziploc bag. They must return their items in the Ziploc bag.
- The manager or designee will provide a handout to the patron about ways to address the issue
(keep library materials in closed containers or Ziploc bags when not being used, inspect them before being returned, talk with landlord or pest control company.) - The manager or designee will notify patrons that if additional materials are returned with evidence of a bug infestation, library privileges will be suspended for six months.
- The patron will not be billed for damaged items the first time evidence is noted.
The second time evidence of an insect issue is noted:
- The Library Director or their designee will notify a patron of what was found and put a note on the patron record.
- Borrowing privileges of physical materials will be suspended for six months. If the patron can provide evidence that the pest issue is resolved, the suspension will be lifted prior to the six month period.
- Patrons will be shown the evidence whenever possible.
- The library materials will be discarded at the discretion of the Library Director.
- The Library Director will determine if the patron will be billed for the damaged items.
Any patron who has privileges suspended under the terms of this policy may request to have privileges reinstated when evidence showing that the address in question has been inspected with no sign of infestation or that the residence has been treated. Confirming information may include copies of receipts for treatment, a letter from a licensed pest control company, or a written statement from the owner or property manager of a multi-family residence. In some instances, proof of a change of residential address may also be accepted.
Approved by the Maplewood Public Library Board of Trustees on 11/20/2019.
Municipal Library Consortium
The Maplewood Public Library is a member of the Municipal Library Consortium of St. Louis County. Each member library retains its own policies on circulation periods, overdue fines, and the selection of materials. Each member library agrees to honor the blocks or fees placed on patrons by other libraries. An Executive Board made up of the Directors of each member library adminsters the MLC and makes decisions on system-wide policy. All member libraries share in the cost of running the MLC automation system, according to a percentage formula, revised yearly. Automation features used by only one or a few member libraries are paid for only by those using them.
Any patron in good standing of a member library may request and check out materials from the Maplewood Public Library. The Maplewood Public Library expects patrons of other member libraries to abide by the same rules and restrictions as citizens of Maplewood. There will be no additional restrictions placed on patrons from member libraries. The Library will charge patrons from member libraries the same fines and fees that Maplewood citizens are assessed. The Maplewood Public Library reserves the right to limit participation in Library programs to citizens of Maplewood.
"Libraries Without Boundaries"
This program allows residents of Maplewood to receive free library service at the other, non-MLC, libraries of the Greater St. Louis Region: St. Louis County, St. Louis Public, and St. Charles City/County Public Libraries. The same privilege is extended at Maplewood Public Library to residents of these library districts. The program is governed by contract, and can be terminated with 60 days notice. Participating library districts agree to reimburse each other annually for the cost of circulating to reciprocal patrons. The libraries of the MLC are individually responsible for reimbursing their own residents' circulation activity.
Any resident of the participating districts may receive a free library card upon proof of residence. The patron does not need to have a library card in their home district. No check of a resident's standing in their home district is made before issuing a library card in a participating district. Each district is free to set restrictions on the patrons from other districts regarding circulation of materials, use of library resources, or participation in library programs.
In 2022, Maplewood Public Library, along with the other Municipal Library Consortium libraries, signed a similar agreement to allow reciprocal borrowing with Jefferson County Library and Scenic Regional Library.
Inter-Library Loan
The Maplewood Public Library maintains agreements with libraries throughout the state and country to provide inter-library loan services, in order to acquire for our patrons materials not avaliable at the Maplewood or other MLC libraries. The Library borrows only from libraries that do not charge for ILL. The Library provides this service free of charge to its patrons. The Library reserves the right to restrict this service only to residents of Maplewood who are also patrons in good standing.
Adopted 6/23/04
Policy on Library Archives
The Archives of the Maplewood Public Library contain photographs, clippings, books and other objects of historic interest. Those items which have been donated to the Library without restrictions are the property of the Library, which it may use as it sees fit, for display within the Library or publication in print or electronic media. The materials of the Archives are also available for use by qualified researchers, and rights of reproduction may be obtained.
Policy on use of Library photos
The Archives of the Maplewood Public Library contain valuable information relating to the history of Maplewood. The Archives are maintained by the library staff and are available for use by qualified researchers.
Reproductions of photographs and photographic or other electronic or mechanical reproductions of books, publications, documents, ceramics, sculptures, trophies, historical souvenirs and other items (Photographs) in the collection of the Archives of the Maplewood Public Library may be used only after written request to and approval by the Director or other employee designated by the Director of the Maplewood Public Library.
Any individual, organization or business (User) who wants to use any Photograph(s) must submit a written request which includes the purpose and form in which the Photograph(s) will be used, which Photograph(s) will be used, and the date or approximate date of use.
Permission, when given, will be limited to one-time use. Any re-use of the same Photograph(s) will require that the User submit an additional request and receive approval from the Maplewood Public Library, Photographic credit must be given to "The Archives of the Maplewood Public Library."
The User may not loan, give or sell the Photograph(s) to other users without request to and approval by the Maplewood Public Library.
The User may not reproduce and sell the Photograph(s) to other Users for profit.
Photograph(s) may not be altered, cropped or manipulated in any way that will change the historical accuracy or content.
Any cost associated with preparing or reproducing Photograph(s) will be paid by the User.
Historic photographs and other items in the Archives of the Maplewood Public Library may not be removed from the Library premises except with prior written approval of the Director of the Maplewood Public Library.
Adopted 11/15/07