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Library Cards

Who May Use The Library

All residents of the city of Maplewood, persons owning property in Maplewood, owners of businesses located in Maplewood, and teachers in the Maplewood-Richmond Heights School District are eligible for a free library card. Additionally, we have a reciprocal borrowing agreement that allows residents within the St. Louis County, St. Louis City, and St. Charles City-County library districts to obtain a free Maplewood Public Library card.

Children up to the age of 18 must have a parent or guardian’s signature in order to obtain a library card.

Persons with library cards in good standing from the other Municipal Library Consortium or Missouri Evergreen libraries may check out Maplewood Public Library materials. They are subject to the same borrowing privileges and restrictions as Maplewood cardholders.

Nonresidents may pay an annual fee of $20 for a library card and are subject to the same privileges and restrictions as free cardholders.

The Library reserves the right to deny or curtail its use and services to groups or individuals making excessive demands on staff time. The Library reserves the right to limit the number of titles borrowed by one person at any one time, especially in certain heavily used subject areas.

The use of the Library or its services may be denied for due cause. Such cause may include failure to return items or to pay penalties, destruction of library property, disturbance of other patrons, or any other objectionable conduct on library premises.

How To Get A Card

Any resident of Maplewood can get a free library card. You may apply for a new card in person at the Library.

When you apply for a Library card, you will need photo ID with your current address. If your photo ID does not have your current address, then we will also need to see an official piece of mail (electric bill, phone bill, etc.) or lease with your current address. Applicants under the age of 18 will need a legal guardian present to apply for a library card.

Effective October 19, 2022, Maplewood residents age 18+ with photo ID, but no proof of current address, may receive a temporary Maplewood Public Library card valid for a three month period. If the card-holder is unable to provide proof of address after three months, the card may be extended for another three month period, providing that there are no unpaid fees on the account and no borrowed material has been considered lost or damaged. Borrowing privileges will be revoked if proof of address has not been provided at the end of the second three month period. Once proof of address is provided, the temporary library card will be updated to include full privileges per Maplewood Public Library lending policies. 

Privileges and limits of a temporary library card:

  • A maximum of 3 items may be checked out at a time.
  • Library of Things materials- telescopes, Try a Hobby kits, etc.- may not be checked out.
  • A temporary Library card will grant the cardholder access to all of the Library’s eResources.
  • Access will be granted to public-use computers.
  • Materials may be requested from other libraries in the Missouri Evergreen Consortium, but materials may not be requested via Interlibrary Loan. 

Residents of St. Louis City, St. Louis County, and St. Charles City-County service areas may also get a Maplewood Public Library card through our cooperative lending program. Please note: your existing St. Louis Public Library, St. Louis County Library, or St. Charles City-County Library cards will not work at Maplewood Public Library; we will need to issue you a new card at our location.

If you live within the boundaries of any of our Municipal Library Consortium partners, you can use your existing library card at Maplewood Public Library! f you do not have a library card from your home library, you can apply in person at Maplewood Public Library; you will need photo ID with your current address to obtain a card. If your photo ID does not have your current address, then we will also need to see an official piece of mail (electric bill, phone bill, etc.) or lease with your current address.

If you live within the boundaries of any of our Missouri Evergreen partners, you can use your existing library card at Maplewood Public Library! If you do not have a library card from your home library, you will need to obtain one from that location; we cannot issue a library card to residents outside of the the Municipal Library Consortium's boundaries.

Business owners in Maplewood can still get a free card by providing proof of ownership even if they don’t live in any of our cooperating library districts.

For anyone else, a non-resident library card is available for a $20 annual fee. Anyone who lives within the boundaries of the Missouri Evergreen Consortium does not qualify for a nonresident card from Maplewood Public Library; duplicate library cards will not be issued.

Reciprocal Borrowing

The Maplewood Public Library is a member of the Missouri Evergreen Consortium. Each member library retains its own policies on circulation periods, overdue fines, and the selection of materials.

Read more about our reciprocal borrowing program in our Library Policies.

We will be closed Monday, February 17th for Presidents' Day.
Temporary winter hours are currently in effect. We are open 9am-6:30pm, Monday-Thursday and 9am-5pm, Friday-Saturday.
NOTE: When logging into your online account, Libby, Hoopla, or Kanopy, your pin has changed to the last 4 digits of your telephone number.
We are currently offering curbside-only services. Visit our Library Renovation Project page for details.
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