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More About The Library

Mission Statement

The Maplewood Public Library seeks to provide the community a diverse offering of print and electronic materials, services, and opportunities for learning, entertainment, and social interaction.

Government & Organization

The Maplewood Public Library was established in 1935 and became a tax supported library in 1936. The Library is governed by a Board of Trustees consisting of nine (9) members who are appointed by the Mayor for a three (3) year term. Board members may serve three (3) consecutive terms on the Library Board. The responsibility and management of affairs of the Library are vested in the Board of Trustees. Its responsibilities include the selection and appointment of the Library's Director, promotion of the Library's interests, and exclusive control of the collection and expenditure of all money in the library fund. Subject to existing statutes and ordinances, it has the power to determine the rules and regulations governing library service and personnel. Regular meetings of the Board of Trustees are held each month, with the dates being set for the upcoming year at the Board's Annual Meeting. The Board supports cooperation and networking between the Library and other library organizations, including the Municipal Library Consortium and the Libraries Without Boundaries reciprocal lending group.


The Library is supported by a library tax set each year, as well as Missouri state aid to libraries, fines, miscellaneous fees, grants, and contributions.

Duties of the Director

Endorsement of Candidates

It is against the policy of the Maplewood Public Library for the Library or its Director to endorse any candidate for local, state or Federal office. Any member of the staff or officer of the Board of Trustees of the Library is forbidden to endorse any candidate as a representative of the Library, although they may endorse candidates and actively support their campaigns as private citizens. The Library is further prohibited from expending Library resources as monetary or in-kind contributions to support the campaign of any candidate.

Adopted 2/16/05

We will be closed Monday, February 17th for Presidents' Day.
Temporary winter hours are currently in effect. We are open 9am-6:30pm, Monday-Thursday and 9am-5pm, Friday-Saturday.
NOTE: When logging into your online account, Libby, Hoopla, or Kanopy, your pin has changed to the last 4 digits of your telephone number.
We are currently offering curbside-only services. Visit our Library Renovation Project page for details.
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