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Computer Access

If you need computer access or computer assistance while our building is inaccessible, we will be on site in City Hall with a laptop you may use. See details below:

  • We will be on site Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday 9:30am-4:30pm beginning Tuesday, July 9th.
    • Please note: If we are unable to be on site, we will post to our Facebook and Instagram pages.
  • Maplewood City Hall is located at 7601 Manchester Rd.
  • You may use the laptop for one 30-minute session. If no one is waiting, you may extend your time by 15 minutes. The laptop will shut down at 4:30pm.
  • Usage is intended for official purposes (e.g. completing government forms, school assignments, and job applications). It is not intended for accessing social media, streaming videos, shopping, etc.
  • Print jobs may be emailed to maplewoodpubliclibrary@gmail.com and picked up at the Library.
We will be closed Monday, February 17th for Presidents' Day.
Temporary winter hours are currently in effect. We are open 9am-6:30pm, Monday-Thursday and 9am-5pm, Friday-Saturday.
NOTE: When logging into your online account, Libby, Hoopla, or Kanopy, your pin has changed to the last 4 digits of your telephone number.
We are currently offering curbside-only services. Visit our Library Renovation Project page for details.
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